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Lee Laboratory
for Biological Mass Spectrometry
Department of Chemistry
Iowa State University
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Invited Book Chapter
1. "Hybrid MS-based imaging of plant metabolites", Andrew R. Korte, Gargey Yagnik and Young Jin Lee, an invited chapter to 'Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Small Molecules' edited by Lin He, a series of 'Methods in Molecular Biology', 49-62, 2015.
2. "Cellular and Sub-cellular Level Localization of Maize Lipids and Metabolites Using High Spatial Resolution MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging", Maria Emilia Dueñas, Adam D. Feenstra, Andrew R. Korte, Paige Hinners, and Young Jin Lee, In 'Maize: Methods and Protocols', edited by Mark Lagrimini, 217-231, 2018.
3. "Single cell metabolomics by mass spectrometry imaging", Maria E. Dueñas, Young Jin Lee, In: Shen Hu (eds), Cancer Metabolomics: Technologies and Applications. submitted on Jul 8, 2019.
Peer-reviewed publication
ISU (2016-Present)
ISU (2011-2015)
ISU (2009-2010)
Before Iowa State
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